Windows are designed to let light through. But sometimes, they allow more light in than you would like. In this case, you can have residential window tinting film installed on your home windows to reduce the amount of sunlight that passes through. If you are considering this service, here are a few questions you might like answered beforehand.
How dark will the tint be?
The tint can be as dark or light as you want it to be. Many homeowners choose a pretty light tint that reduces glare and slightly reduces the amount of light that enters your home. This does the job without making your windows look notably dark. However, if you do want the windows to look dark or if you want to keep a certain room really dark, the window tint company can use darker tints. Ask to look at some samples so you can get a better idea of what you prefer.
Will window tints block UV light?
Most window tints do block some or all UV light from entering your home. If this is important to you, then check with your tint company to be sure they're installing UV-blocking tints. There are a few key benefits of blocking UV from entering your home:
- You prevent carpet, drapes, and other items from being sun-bleached
- You protect your skin from the wavelengths that can increase your risk of skin cancer
- You protect pets who rest in front of the windows from damaging wavelengths
Will the installation process make a mess?
The process of tinting your windows is a pretty simple, clean one. The window tint company will cut sheets of tinted plastic to fit your windows perfectly, and then they will apply them using special glue. There should not be any mess for you to clean up afterward.
Can you install window tint on any style of window?
Window tint can be installed on almost any style of window, including picture windows, casement windows, and even skylights. The only windows a tint company may not want to treat are any that are old and loose in their frames. It's necessary to apply some pressure to the window to seal the tint, and this could cause further damage to an old, fragile window.
With these questions answered, you should now be better prepared to have window tints installed on your home windows. Enjoy your cooler, less sunny home.